A closer look At BeachHead 2020’s Economic Experiment, and BHT’s Role...

Written by 3D Bat on Thursday, 10 January 2019. Posted in BEACHHEAD, BLOCKCHAIN (BHT)

A closer look At BeachHead 2020’s Economic Experiment, and BHT’s Role...

In today’s installment, we’re going to explore BeachHead 2020’s innovative economic model, which we believe will revolutionize both gaming and commerce, forever.

As we have already discussed in previous articles, BeachHead 2020’s game environment will in fact be a full-scale multi-player VR “universe”. It will cover everything involved in the inner workings of a city, including economics and politics. The goal is to provide a dynamic and flexible platform. One that will nurture creativity and commerce, while providing a world-class gaming experience. At the same time, it will serve as a fascinating experiment in libertarian “free market” economics, which will transcend the virtual gaming world.

In today’s installment, we’re going to explore BeachHead 2020’s innovative economic model, which we believe will revolutionize both gaming and commerce, forever.

As we have already discussed in previous articles, BeachHead 2020’s game environment will in fact be a full-scale multi-player VR “universe”. It will cover everything involved in the inner workings of a city, including economics and politics. The goal is to provide a dynamic and flexible platform. One that will nurture creativity and commerce, while providing a world-class gaming experience. At the same time, it will serve as a fascinating experiment in libertarian “free market” economics, which will transcend the virtual gaming world.

BeachHead’s economy will be built from the ground up. It will be fueled by its own money, BHT. All economic activity will be primarily based on the game platform while giving BeachHead City’s citizens, players, merchants, and traders the ability to engage in commercial activities.

These diverse activities will include:

    • Taking advantage of entertainment options including movies, concerts and sporting events taking place around BeachHead City.
    • Playing and/or participating in independent “mini-games” happening within the city.
    • Providing incentives and rewards for players to defend BeachHead City from the constant barrage of invaders.
    • Enabling and encouraging the trading of digital assets offered by BeachHead 2020’s developers, creators and other participants, in any of the city’s various and diverse marketplaces.
    • And many more!

What’s particularly exciting about BeachHead’s economic model is that it’s designed to grow and evolve depending on the activities and behavior of the game’s players, citizens, traders, and other parties.

While the foundation, fundamentals, and tools will be fully-implemented and provided for at the outset, the course and direction of the economy will be dictated and controlled solely by the masses. There is no preset plan or blueprint for economic development beyond the initial phase.

BeachHead’s future game development will be guided, supported and financed by all economic activity occurring within the game environment. This model will be advancing the concepts of game tokens, credits and “play money” to exciting new levels.

BeachHead’s economic model is designed to fully leverage both current and future technology while providing a perfect recipe for economic progress and opportunity.

It was developed and built with the following points in mind:

    • To design an economy to be as close to a “perfect free market” as humanly possible. Even to the point where the issuance of currency is organically nurtured by all parties involved, and not controlled by any single entity.
    • To provide full transparency and security of all transactions, trades, commerce, and their associated data by way of a fully-decentralized blockchain-based ledger.
    • To have an economic model that provides the same level of opportunity and access to all of its participants, regardless of size or degree of “wealth” within the game’s VR economy. This essentially means that a player in a developing country like Tanzania can build just as much tangible “game wealth” as a player in Switzerland can. In BeachHead’s economy, everyone is on the same level.
    • To give any player, trader or participant the maximum ability to monetize any creative content or products they offer within BeachHead’s economy, and with unprecedented ease. Other than an earned or purchased stake in BHT, no other capital investment will be needed to engage in BeachHead’s economy.

What are some other interesting items worth noting about BHT, and the innovative economy that it will bring to life?

Let’s start with the fact that no tokens utilized in the game will be controlled or issued by the game’s developers and/or creators once the game goes live. They will receive a share of the initial supply of BHT upon issuance of the coin. Beyond that, any early contributors and/or creators will be rewarded BHT from a special allocation that will be funded by the ICO for future game development.

BHT’s issuance will be strictly limited. This assures that the token will be anti-inflationary, in line with economic theory. Players and participants will even have the ability to create their personalized tokens and/or currencies that can either be based on credit, trust/reputation, or secured by escrow.

BHT is the first token to utilize two proven cryptocurrency networks.

Due to respective advantages and specific capabilities, BHT will utilize both Ethereum’s ERC-20 implementation as well as the Ripple Network. All digital assets created within the game environment will have its own cryptographic token on Ripple’s network. This ensures full ownership rights and will make sales/purchases of any assets easy to transact and track. Whenever a BHT ERC-20-based token is entered into the gaming environment, it simultaneously becomes issued and tracked on Ripple’s ledger as well.

This enables any coin-holder or player the ability to instantly convert the BHT’s value to its ERC20 version. This allows it to be safely kept in the game client’s wallet, any Ethereum wallet (along with its private keys), or even kept/traded on an exchange account.

This unique structure gives all coin-holders and participants maximum security while preserving the ability to convert and/or utilize BHT any way they wish without any limitations.

BHT will have several functions and uses within the game environment, including:

    • The ability to pay rent and/or any tariffs for leasing land, storefront space and other rights within the game environment. Only BHT can be used for these purposes.
    • Enable easy payment for all purchases and transactions happening in the game’s various marketplaces, as well as for goods and services offered by other players. There is no need for trust since all parties can easily utilize BHT’s built-in escrow capabilities.

It’s important to keep in mind that all BHT used to pay for storefront rents, tariffs and any other fees/costs will be effectively paid back out to players, for their work in defending BeachHead City from invaders. It will also be used to fund future infrastructure and game development. This gives both players and contributing game developers future purchasing power, thus enabling them to buy products and services within the game’s VR economy, as well as the real world!

Moreover, of course, players will always have the ability to trade peer-to-peer with BHT both within and outside the game environment.

It’s easy to see all of the exciting possibilities and potential that BeachHead 2020 and its innovative BHT token brings to the table. We’re confident that it will take cryptocurrencies to the next level while ushering in a new era for trade and economics.

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